As the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays approach, many are planning gatherings with friends and family members. All things pumpkin spice seems to be the flavor of choice and holiday decorating has begun. Fall is in the air and the holiday season is a special time for many. However, there is a flip side to that coin. For countless others, this time of year brings sadness and feelings of loneliness. The sun is setting earlier and seasonal affective disorder, depression related to changes in seasons, plaques many.

Below are some steps we encourage you to take as needed to preserve your most valuable asset, YOU. After all, YOU’RE WORTH IT!

– Eat well. You’re more likely to be anxious and depressed if you consume a lot of processed meat, fried food, candies, pastries, and high-fat dairy products. To boost your mental health, focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables along with foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

– Get enough rest. Poor sleep can make it much more difficult to cope with even relatively minor stressors and can even impact our ability to perceive the world accurately. Sleep helps maintain cognitive skills such as attention, learning, and memory.

-Increase activity and exercise. Regular exercise can have a profound impact on depression and anxiety.

– Be social. Socialization can lighten your mood and make you feel happier. It also promotes a sense of belonging and security. I..E. FIND YOUR TRIBE 🙂

– Help others where possible. Evidence shows that helping others can reduce stress, and improve mood, self-esteem, and happiness.

-Ask for help when needed. Social support, whether from a trusted group or individual, has been shown to reduce the physiological and psychological consequences of stress and may improve immune function.

At Cardinal Care and Concierge, we care about your physical, mental, and emotional health. Please visit our website at today to learn more about the services we provide and let us help you to make every day, not just the holiday season, MERRY AND BRIGHT.


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